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amor asteroid造句

"amor asteroid"是什么意思  
  • An Amor asteroid, it orbits between Earth and Mars.
  • The eccentric Amor asteroid is also a Mars-crosser.
  • However, one tenth of PHAs are Amor asteroids.
  • Its designated as an Amor asteroid because it orbits between Earth and Mars.
  • As an Amor asteroid, the orbit of is entirely beyond Earth's orbit.
  • He also discovered two asteroids, one of which is 1627 Ivar, an Amor asteroid.
  • It belongs to the group of Amor asteroids and measures about half a kilometer in diameter.
  • Atira asteroids are by far the smallest group of near-Earth objects, compared to the Amor asteroids.
  • The two moons of Mars, Phobos, may be Amor asteroids that were captured by Mars's gravity.
  • Beginning in 1952 he and Rudolph Minkowski identified the optical counterparts of various Mercury ) and the Amor asteroid 1036 Ganymed.
  • It's difficult to see amor asteroid in a sentence. 用amor asteroid造句挺难的
  • Notable discoveries include 1221 Amor ( which lent its name to the Amor asteroids ) and the Apollo asteroid 2101 Adonis.
  • "" " is a near-Earth object and Amor asteroid, approximately 800 meters in diameter.
  • Of those there are 1, 120 Aten asteroids, 5, 903 Amor asteroids, and 8, 303 Apollo asteroids.
  • The "'Amor asteroids "'are a group of near-Earth asteroids named after the asteroid 1221 Amor.
  • He discovered a number of asteroids ( 273 in total ), including the Amor asteroid 5797 Bivoj and Trojan asteroid 3451 Mentor.
  • He is credited as sole discoverer of, a 3-kilometer near-Earth object belonging to the group of Amor asteroids.
  • Kobayashi has discovered more than 2000 asteroids using CCD technology, including the Amor asteroids 7358 Oze,, and about nine Trojan asteroids.
  • MPC give different parameters for the orbit of, affecting whether the orbit type should be considered an Apollo asteroid or an Amor asteroid.
  • Some " simple " Amor asteroids are also " precise " Apollos, while some " precise " Amors are also " simple " Apollos.
  • Wallenquist co-discovered the near-Earth Amor asteroid 1980 Tezcatlipoca during his stay at the U . S . Palomar Observatory in 1950.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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